Cookie declaration overview
This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, or another device) to enhance your experience on the website.

Websites use cookies for many different purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Get information about the traffic on our website
  • Provide you with essential functionalities of our website
  • Track your browsing behavior
  • Track your engagement with social services
  • Collect information about how users use our website
  • Remember your preferences for our website
  • Personalize content and advertisements.

We use cookies according to applicable national and international laws.

This cookie declaration aims to inform you about our use of cookies, what types of cookies we use, and why we use them. We are committed to full transparency regarding your privacy while using our website. In the rest of this cookie declaration, you’ll find all the essential information about it.


We use the following cookies:

Used by Lumav GDPR module, and its purpose is to make sure that GDPR customer information is up-to-date on frontend. It stores information of whether frontend GDPR data has to be reloaded or not.

Stores the Order ID that guest shoppers use to retrieve their order status

Preserves the destination page that was loading before the customer was directed to log in

Tracks error messages and other notifications that are shown to the user, such as the cookie consent message, and various error messages. The message is deleted from the cookie after it is shown to the shopper

mage-translation-storage (local storage)
Stores translated content when requested by the shopper.

mage-translation-file-version (local storage)
Tracks the version of translations in local storage.

product_data_storage (local storage)
Stores configuration for product data related to Recently Viewed / Compared Products.

recently_compared_product (local storage)
Stores product IDs of recently compared products.

recently_compared_product_previous (local storage)
Stores product IDs of previously compared products for easy navigation.

recently_viewed_product (local storage)
Stores product IDs of recently viewed products for easy navigation.

recently_viewed_product_previous (local storage)
Stores product IDs of recently previously viewed products for easy navigation.

Records the time messages are sent by the SendFriend (Email a Friend) module.

Configuration setting that improves performance when using Varnish static content caching.

A security measure that appends a random string to all form submissions to protect the data from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

The value of this cookie triggers the cleanup of local cache storage. When the cookie is removed by the backend application, the Admin cleans up local storage, and sets the cookie value to true.

Local storage of visitor-specific content that enables ecommerce functions.

mage-cache-storage (local storage)
Local storage of visitor-specific content that enables ecommerce functions.

mage-cache-storage-section-invalidation (local storage)
Forces local storage of specific content sections that should be invalidated.

Stores the key (ID) of persistent cart to make it possible to restore the cart for an anonymous shopper.

Appends a random, unique number and time to pages with customer content to prevent them from being cached on the server.

Stores customer-specific information related to shopper-initiated actions, such as wish list display and checkout information.

Tracks the specific store view / locale selected by the shopper.

Google Analytics cookie enabling control of one-time visits. This cookie is installed the first time a user enters the website through a browser. When the user comes back to the website through the same browser, the cookie will consider him to be the same user. Only in the event that the user changes browser, will he be deemed to be a different user.

We use Google Analytics through Google Tag Manager to collect analytical information on our users.


We use Google Analytics, but we mask IP addresses to hide personal information, Google Data Sharing is turned off and we do not use other Google services with Google Analytics cookies.


We use other types of cookies only with your prior explicit consent. If you give us consent to store them on your computer, we do so. If you don’t consent to their use, we don’t use them. It’s that simple.


We don’t discriminate users based on consent. Your consent applies to the following domains:


Deleting or disabling cookies
Cookies are managed by Magento using a built-in cookie restriction mode.

You may also delete or disable cookies through your browser settings. However, you should keep in mind that deleting or disabling cookies may lead to inconvenience while using our website that would not have happened if you consented to the use of cookies.


On the following links, you’ll find information about how to delete or disable cookies from your browser settings:


Changes to this cookie declaration
Luzmon Medical is may change this cookie declaration at any time without prior notice. That may happen due to changes in cookie regulations, changes in our website, or another reason. Ensure to check out this cookie declaration regularly to stay updated for any changes.


Cookie declaration last updated on 14 December, 2023.